Web Development

Located below is an assortment of Web pages, designed with responsive Code, as well as demonstration of Web Development knowledge.

As more web pages are made, they will be compiled and available for view below.

Great Idea!

This website is a culmination of several lessons from Lambda School's Full Stack Web Development Course.

In this practice, not only is there evidence of Flex box and box model elements at work, but the page is also responsive to changes in design elements. Changing from one size such as Tablet size and phone size will change the elements to match.

All rights to original code is still subject to reserved rights.

©Great Idea! circa 2018 and Lambda School.

Lambda - First Challenge!

As a test of Knowledge, this site as well as the about page was put together in less than 3 hours.

The purpose of the task was to demonstrate skill in the use of CSS and HTML elements.

All rights to original code is still subject to reserved rights.

©Lambda School.